There and Back Again

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Third Age

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The Grey Havens - 04/03/2004

Long Time Gone - 22/02/2004

Only for Now - 04/02/2004

The Neverland - 19/01/2004

There's no times at all, just the New York Times - 15/01/2004

Links and Rings
No Shame Pieces
Untitled Story
Other Writings

15/11/2001 - 3:41 p.m.

"Jim and Hadrian" (never mind)

It is 100% possible to fall asleep in gym. How do I know? I did it today. My gym experience has been that of forced horribleness. Other kids who are smarter/cuter/more enjoying of the taste off ass, go in and convince the counselors not to make them take it. This doesn't work for me, every time I go in there, they give me a dirty look and say "No, absolutely not, gym is a required class and EVERYONE takes it." Bastards.

So, I've managed to get it down to every other day. However, I found out that I have more than a credit's worth of gym (all that is necessary to graduate) AND that the grade doesn't even effect your grade point. So, I won't fail this semester, and at Christmas I'm going in to see what can be done about my taking choir every day and maybe getting a "full schedule" for once in my life and then not being required to take gym, but to take early bird gym which requires that you show up once to collect the note with which your parents give you permission not to show up for early bird gym, and yet receive credit, and you return it. I deserve for somebody to do that for me. Pretty pathetic the run around of trouble I have to go through to get anything done in that bloody building.

Failing this, Angel, if you're reading, according to my school, you're fully qualified to be excusing me from things, so, you may be getting a letter... (Yeah, I go to an ENGLISH specialist to hear why I'm messed up, that's right Mrs. Counselor-Bitch-Lady.)

So, anyway, with this in mind, I have signed up to take walking in gym. You walk around outside. However, second hour (approximately 9 AM) is a little cold to be playing outside anymore, so you are supposed to walk inside, but when you do that, you get mowed down by the crazed, half naked (and extremely ugly) basketball players. So, you sit down and pray the various scarey looking gorwn ups who wander around with clipboards and must be in charge in some way or another don't notice you're "not participating". (Gym at Central is a lot worse though, except it's once a week, so really, I'm just as happy I'm at Roosevelt, I guess.)

Well, today, I sat down and the next thing I know, I wake up because the very basketballers have lost their ball and I'm being attacked. Manhandled is taking it kindly- unintentional rape is probably more apt. I mean, can they not see anything but the ball? And then how about an "The four of us are really sorry, we didn't see you there when we took a dive into the wall after the ball and then had to sit on top of you to wrestle it from each other", did I get one of those? Certainly not! People suck.

You know, Shakespeare isn't who we thought he was. We're watching a thing in English all about him. Well, first he's gay, and then he's not even a playwright. Why not call him a woman and get it over with? I just think it's funny, people who wouldn't argue God will argue Shakespeare. At least if they dig him up there might still be some proof he was there!

You know, I've been thinking, Hadrian's Wall would be a really good name for a restaurant. If I ever get the desire to open a restaurant, I'm going to call it Hadrian's Wall: No Highlanders allowed! (Heh-heh, OK, never mind, go open a history book and try again later.)

That's about it for the moment.

From the Shire, down the Anduin, to Mordor

The First Age The Third Age
The Red Book Diaryland