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The Grey Havens - 04/03/2004

Long Time Gone - 22/02/2004

Only for Now - 04/02/2004

The Neverland - 19/01/2004

There's no times at all, just the New York Times - 15/01/2004

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05/09/2001 - 10:31 p.m.

Audition Day (nuff said).

It IS my Ren. Pretty scary tiny Internet world out there, isn't it? AND, she doesn't hate me! Yea! So, anybody who reads this, go check out Ren's too. It's in my profile, or she's if you prefer the more direct route.

Let's see, more in the news. Heard from Sassy yesterday. It only takes 9 days to get mail back and forth from Australia, and it only costs 80 cents. Hmmm, I guess that's not bad. She certainly didn't have a lot to say, but then she'd only been back five days.

Now for the ugly horrible news. Auditions. Yeah, that whole, bane of my life thing? It was today. I don't know. I seriously don't know. I only saw half of them, but I think for the most part, there wasn't anybody very seriously impressive. Well, Abbie, because she just sort of got up and sang it, but she and Josie prove they're fantastic all the time.

My only other impression from watching musical auditions: is it really necessesary to get that daft look in your eyes and start wiggling about like you're gonna take a flying leap off the edge of the stage?

Other then them- Ren. OK, you wondered how you got into Varsity at the end of last year, hon? THAT's how. You sing SO damn well! (She does, honest.)

I am not so sure about me, however. My audition left much to be desired, I know that. First of all, I just can't dance. I have all the grace and agility of a cow. A cow in heat (because I just don't think there's any way possible that could be graceful). The singing, I dunno. I was scared, but I got most of the notes, and I guess I was loud. However, according to my brother (sitting directly behind Glawe and making puking motions) it was extremely bad. I can't believe he did that! Horrible little moron child. I mean, there's a certain mindset we've all got, and that's to be nice to each other. What the hell was his problem? Did he not understand that whole "I will not put up with crap from you," speech I gave him? Did he not understand that this is not something that I take extremely lightly?

I know I shouldn't take it so hard, but I do, because I just think of all the breaks I haven't had, and just hope they take that into consideration with some of my talents. Not that I would enjoy having started dance lessons at age two and continuing up to this very day, I'm just now further behind then the people who've done that. In fact, I would have never started! (It's the dance that really ticks me off. I'm just not co-ordinated, and I don't understand the logistics of what I'm doing. How do you make your feet do that and look not dorky?)

I just hope I get called back. Other then that, I don't care. But, if I'm offered just a plain old chorus part again, I think maybe I'm just gonna work crews and be in Thespian Festival. (Depends on what that One Act is, though, I guess.)

OK, blah blah blah. You're all tired of my moaning, and so am I.

From the Shire, down the Anduin, to Mordor

The First Age The Third Age
The Red Book Diaryland