There and Back Again

First Age
Third Age

Hobbits love to get notes.

Proper dwarves offer their services before they leave.
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The Grey Havens - 04/03/2004

Long Time Gone - 22/02/2004

Only for Now - 04/02/2004

The Neverland - 19/01/2004

There's no times at all, just the New York Times - 15/01/2004

Links and Rings
No Shame Pieces
Untitled Story
Other Writings

15/10/2001 - 6:58 p.m.

Schoolhouse Sucks

Vacation ends today. I've had six lovely days off and now, back to school I go. It seems I havne't done any of the things I intended to do. I go to bed at one or two in the morning, switch on the bedroom light and notice half a dozen things to prompt me of things I meant to bring up from downstairs so I could get them taken care of. But, I couldn't be bothered, so I've still masses of things to do.

How can I have all this much stuff to do? And is it really cosmically important? Is it somehow, in the universal scheme of things, really necessary that I learn how to name compounds? (I've got 80 to do before 11 o clock tomorrow) Universally speaking, I don't think so. Unfortunately, society dictates that I go to school and get good grades to go to a good college and then earn large amounts of money and procreate, none of which can happen (apparently) if I don't know what Cu(II)S is. I don't think that I really give a care as to the procreation and large amounts of money bits. Sue me for not being materialistic like the rest of this bloody country.

Seriously, if the house burnt down, the only things I would be truely concerned about would be my friend's addresses and my manuscripts. Pictures I can live without (they freak me out 40% of the time anyway), books I can buy again, money I haven't got in the first place, clothes I'd rather not have in the first place (well, I'll never go to a nudist camp, but I don't see why we lost all our fur in the beginning).

At school, Mr. Holcomb went on about how one of the hard things we're going to have to do is decide what things to take with us to college, and what things to get rid of. Now, my room is a pit, full of things that "might come in handy someday" and I readily admit that I am a slob, but between Christmas and Spring Breaks- it's all gonna go. All the trash is gonna go, all the children's magazines, my room (for the third time during my habitation) will have a visible floor. Then, come June, I will leave for camp, and following that, I will go to college. Books, clothes and a few other things come with me, everything else goes or stays there for my mother to deal with. I'm serious.

From the Shire, down the Anduin, to Mordor

The First Age The Third Age
The Red Book Diaryland