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There's no times at all, just the New York Times - 15/01/2004

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26/12/2001 - 1:35 a.m.


I've just been to the camp forum and I am slightly pissed. For those of you unfamilier with the camp and my life therein, this will make no sense and sound like a lot of meaningless jabbery bibble. So, you'd do well to skip back to my Christmas editions, but this came up and I just have to get it out there rather than go to bed and burble at myself about it.

Now, I'll say here and now- NO, Wanda isn't going to be like Coaster, but obviously, Coaster wasn't like Boa. Could we please cut her a little slack based on that alone? If we're not willing to do that, why bother applying? If you can't even deal with this on hearing about it, what makes you think it's going to get better after you show up for the duration? May I say FLOWER SYNDROME in gigantic capital letters? (Tough shit, I already did.)

Second of all, I must stress that camp is actually for the campers, and I know that they pay us shit but that doesn't make it then their top priority to entertain us. This is exactly what I worried about last time, and I don't think I really want to be on unit staff if there's going to be too much of this going on. However, I think between Beanie, me and Turtle, I know who would get the program staff position, except that Beanie was A&C a while ago, and anything's better than Moon, and Turtle would probably win out for pool staff, so... But really, I don't want to end up miserable and stuck in a tent with moaners who don't even moan about something I can moan about too (if that made any sense). And when we find something to complain about up there, we do it constantly and whenever we can, and I don't have the Billy-ness in me to just tell people to shut up and have them listen. (Girls can be such bitches!)

And third of all, MUNCHKIN????? She couldn't stand camp last summer and bitched and moaned to go home the whole damn time, why the hell would she want to come BACK? Why doesn't she come back as a camper? Then she can molest them all she wants and we can treat her like shit and it'll be just grand! (Actually, it wouldn't, but you know...) I really really hope Wanda doesn't hire her. I wouldn't, if I looked at her forum burble rather than any interview with her- you should get things right before you go being stupid. Unfortunately, Munchkin is immune to foot in mouth disease. (She does like to lie about her stupidities though- yeah right she quit Super Target, they sacked her ass.) I can't believe I gave this girl the benefit of the doubt for half the summer!

All right, there's all my greivances out there to be hemmed and hawwed over by everybody who knows what I'm talking about.

From the Shire, down the Anduin, to Mordor

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