There and Back Again

First Age
Third Age

Hobbits love to get notes.

Proper dwarves offer their services before they leave.
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The Grey Havens - 04/03/2004

Long Time Gone - 22/02/2004

Only for Now - 04/02/2004

The Neverland - 19/01/2004

There's no times at all, just the New York Times - 15/01/2004

Links and Rings
No Shame Pieces
Untitled Story
Other Writings

18/01/2002 - 5:37 p.m.

We're actors, we're not people!

OK, things are back to normal, er, well, at least as normal as they get around here. I got so fed up with that damn map that I just went ahead and edited the co-ordinates to match the size of the actual writing, because the clicky boxes are as big as the original template shows them, and these are rather smaller, and it's less random now. All my thanks to the people at Beautify for giving the link to Lissa explains it all. And I'm sure you've all been following my adventures in HTML with rapt attention (Can you hear the sarcasm waterfall?), so I'll move on.

OK, well, IHSSA competition is tomorrow. I have to get up at six AM, leave at 6:30, be to school by seven, load props, drive to Hoover (like, ten minutes from Roosevelt) and stick around there until well after noon. I expect I'll be falling asleep in a couple hours here. I am SO glad that it's MLK JR Day on Monday and we haven't got school. Weekends on which functions occur make me feel I'm being cheated out of sleep, and being a lazy FK, and stuff.

Anyway, wish me luck. (Please, I'm gonna need it.)

French final was, er, a disaster. Not even going to go into it. I have no idea what the subjonctif is (in French or English), and I don't know the four uses of devoir, and I think I'll just be blissfully happy with that knowledge. Lovely Gigi who couldn't manage to show up half the time anyway dropped the class, but there's a couple kids from the fifth hour class who are moving in, so maybe things will work out better. I've kind of been stuck doing this on my own, and I have this feeling she wants me to drop back to French 4, but I have this pride issue, and I think I really can do it, because we're doing the same stuff, but we're just doing it harder, and it's the way I want to do things- I just haven't ever done a language this way before. We did a lot of namby pamby playing with stock phrases and vocabulary up until now. I can look that stuff up, I can't look up every conjugation in the book, and that's what I haven't been taught. That's the reason I use babelfish- it at least knows what the conjugations are (unless it's vous or tu).

Oh, auditions are on the 22nd for both Hit and Misdemeanor and You're A Good Man Charlie Brown. I don't really have any hopes for one over the other, I just want to get in and have a good part for once in my life, and I think that if I do well this weekend that might make that a little more possible. I know I'm not great, but look what I can do.

I can't believe there's absolutely no down time. I keep thinking it's about time for all the theatre stuff to end. It's not. I'm always amazed at how ongoing this stuff is. There are shit loads of teachers who won't assign homework on game nights to give the players a break, but I've never known anyone not to assign homework during the show. Mrs. Moser said that it was just two nights for the show, and the football players had to do this stuff all the time. The football season ends- the theatre season does not. The first two weeks of school there's nothing except maybe a couple Thespian meetings, then there's the musical, then there's Thespian Festival, then there's IHSSA (Large Group and Individual), then there's the show, then there's March-May when they do all the senior stuff (so maybe this year that won't be so demanding), and in between we have other shows to go to, Thespian functions to attend, and somehow we fit in the rest of our lives. Man, Lynn was more impressive than a lot of people gave her credit for. I certainly can't manage as well as she appeared to.

From the Shire, down the Anduin, to Mordor

The First Age The Third Age
The Red Book Diaryland