There and Back Again

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The Grey Havens - 04/03/2004

Long Time Gone - 22/02/2004

Only for Now - 04/02/2004

The Neverland - 19/01/2004

There's no times at all, just the New York Times - 15/01/2004

Links and Rings
No Shame Pieces
Untitled Story
Other Writings

11/02/2003 - 9:40 a.m.

That's what causes that.

I'm disappointed about the Academy Awards. Granted, I've only seen one of the movies that's up for awards at all, but I'm still peeved. Yes, it was a technically wonderful film, but it's different from George Lucas. Star Wars is only about the technicals- to say, "Hey, look what we can do, aren't these explosions more exciting than Jar Jar Binks? Oh, wait, please- don't leave! Watch the explosions, those are worth the seven bucks to watch one dimensional characters waltz around the screen, right?"

LOTR is trying to make you forget that everything is computer generated, to bring you into the world, rather than to show you special effects. You know they're there, but you're not watching them- you're watching the people. At least I am. So, why do the award nominations reflect the opposite views?

I think there's a Moaning Myrtle in our bathroom here. The second stall to the right (oh dear, look, it's Peter Pan, that was unintentional) is always closed and I swear when I walk past it that there's somebody in there. It's either abnormal phenomenon, or somebody has severe bowel problems.

My new favourite song is by the Irish Rovers and entitled "Seven Old Ladies Locked in the Lavatory". Hooray for Irish drinking songs, even though I have neither of the qualifications to allow me to sing them.

Yesterday, for fun, I transferred the current calandar to the French Revolutionary calandar. Today is the 23rd of Pluvi�se.

My German Lit prof adores me, I was the only one in the class that actually understood The Visit. That would be such a good play to do, for UNISTA or something, but it would have to be a massive cast. It would be a good thing for a high school, if it were not that it is not necessarily high school material- most of the cast would understand it only as well as my class did. My class is only looking at how friendly they found the plot, not what is actually going on in the play. This is a problem because of the theme and intent of the play: man�s inconsistency, the discrepancy between words spoken and actions taken.

Now it's time for Kafka's The Metamorphosis. I read that last year for fun, and I didn't really like it much. I need to read some commentary on it, I'm probably missing something about it. I'm bothered that it seems the change occured simply by virtue of Kafka's whim, and if it's such a great book, it can't be that, there has to be a meaning for why the change occured.

The post truck's just arrived.

From the Shire, down the Anduin, to Mordor

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The Red Book Diaryland