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The Grey Havens - 04/03/2004

Long Time Gone - 22/02/2004

Only for Now - 04/02/2004

The Neverland - 19/01/2004

There's no times at all, just the New York Times - 15/01/2004

Links and Rings
No Shame Pieces
Untitled Story
Other Writings

24/05/2002 - 7:32 p.m.

Come what may

I have one more day of school left. I will be required to be there for 50 minutes. That will be it. I have 50 minutes left of school.

However, I'll be going to the last Thespian meeting on Tuesday so I guess I'll be in Glawe's room for the rest of the day that day, or something. I'll be having English class on the 30th.

On the second I leave for camp. I can't wait. No more of my ruddy family, for the most part. It's probably a lie and as soon as my report card comes they'll drive up and kill me, but, yes.

Oh, it's just occured to me, I need somebody to take care of my e-mail account while I'll be gone. Hotmail closes you down if you don't check it every month or so, and I also need somebody who would be willing to sort through the crap to things that look sort of legitimate. If somebody wants to volunteer, I'm taking applications. You basically have to be home all summer (or at least for one day every two weeks), and I have to trust you. You see why I'm having trouble finding someone?

It's a three day weekend this weekend, what with Memorial Day and all. I'm officially all growed up. My life is my own and, within a certain amount of predetermined obligation, no one can tell me anything! That's seeming good at the moment. Like Mr. Mahler told me two weeks ago, "You just need very badly to get out of here and never come back," when I was raving about the school system and the transportation system (or lack thereof).

My comments on the south's bus segregation in the 1960's is this- hey, at least they had buses that went someplace. Here, no one had buses that went anyplace. At least, that's true of DM. We had a trolley system until the 50's when they repaved the streets (didn't bother to take out the tracks, nope, they're spending the money to do it now) and so then everybody and their dang dog had a car and there were neighborhood shops and they didn't need to run buses or anything so much, just to downtown and to West DM. Well, it's 50 years later and the bus routes are practically the same, they've cut bus services actually. It's next to impossible to get anyplace here without a car.

Why am I going on about buses? I don't know either.

Why do fortune cookies read like Ann Flanders? I want to know what's going to happen to me, not that I should be happy. Even if they just said "you will live long and prosper" that would be better than "No one has ever died from laughing too much" Which, where do you think you get the phrase "die laughing"??? I don't like it when my fortune cookie passes judgement.

This comes up because my horoscope in the paper today reads:

Everyone is able to relate to you because you are well-rounded. Your open-mindedness can help take a load of work off your schedule and take control of a confusing area in your personal life.

Yeah, the second bit's fortune, sort of, but that doesn't help me out. I mean, take Cancer's horoscope for today:

Shared interest will bond you to those who can push you creatively to do your best. Double-check all figures this morning; you could find an error in your favor.

That's advice! Why can't I get that? The astrologer must be a Cancer, either that or there just wasn't anything going on in my area of the sky today.

Which, judging from the dibble I've been on about, is probably most likely.

From the Shire, down the Anduin, to Mordor

The First Age The Third Age
The Red Book Diaryland