There and Back Again

First Age
Third Age

Hobbits love to get notes.

Proper dwarves offer their services before they leave.
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The Grey Havens - 04/03/2004

Long Time Gone - 22/02/2004

Only for Now - 04/02/2004

The Neverland - 19/01/2004

There's no times at all, just the New York Times - 15/01/2004

Links and Rings
No Shame Pieces
Untitled Story
Other Writings

25/05/2002 - 3:30 p.m.

Star Wars first shown on this date in 1977

I woke up at nine o clock this morning and was unable to get back to sleep. Nine o clock is so early. I know I usually get up at six, and so at camp getting up at seven will be no problem, but today, nine was too much.

So, of course, as soon as the grown-ups see I'm awake, what do they want to do? Take me driving and go shopping! Oh, yeah, that's just what I wanted to do. In the end, they just made me go shopping. Shoe shopping, the worst kind of shopping. I buy shoes for less than ten bucks, and I wear them until the soles fall off. I have more shoes than I know what to do with right now. I came home with no new shoes. Utterly wasted trip.

Let's see, what holidays are to be celebrated today? Happy May (check my archives page to find out why), Happy Birthday Ralph Waldo Emerson, Happy Birthday Sir Ian McKellen.

Still looking for somebody to volunteer to take care of my e-mail while I'm gone.

Oh, and the test is updated, since the last one got lost. This one's not about me, it's about stuff I know.

From the Shire, down the Anduin, to Mordor

The First Age The Third Age
The Red Book Diaryland