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Long Time Gone - 22/02/2004

Only for Now - 04/02/2004

The Neverland - 19/01/2004

There's no times at all, just the New York Times - 15/01/2004

Links and Rings
No Shame Pieces
Untitled Story
Other Writings

27/08/2002 - 1:22 p.m.

Day by Day.

I think Tuesday is my favourite day of the week. Today all my classes finished at 12:15, so I went and got my work study all taken care of (well, except for that one huge bit that still needs doing). I get to babysit the script library in the theatre on Thursdays and the rest of the time I get to do random gopher-type jobs or something. (Basically, they tell me to do something, I do it.)

This also sounds peculiarly like part of my Fundementals class. Yep, Fundies for short- sounds like a brand of kids' cartoon character underwear. At the moment, that class looks like it's going to cost me a small fortune that they might've mentioned a tad earlier. I have everything to get for it still, books, everything (and the books aren't in yet) but it can wait until Thursday next, I believe.

I have some stuff to get for Bandobras' class and a thing for my Oral Comm that I have to pick up, but it's 1:30, and I can do that sometime closer to five-ish.

It's nice to be around theatre people again, I was standing in a hallway and a whole bunch of people just came up and started having a conversation with me about how bland my class was (I believe the people I was talking with were sophomores). It was true, they were all dead to the world. I was the only one willing to have any sort of conversation at all, one sided, but, yes... I was also the only one who had had a class before then, so that may explain it. Anyway, after that the topic quickly moved on to orange orgasms. This is what I live for, yessiree.

Just in general, it's nice to be in a theatre again. The SWT in particular has all kinds of random fun places in it, catwalks and little rooms under the stage and places like that.

I have a great affection for tiny tucked out of the way rooms. My elementary school had a room in the library where all the classroom sets of paperback books went (because usually two or three classes would share one classroom set). The library was at the top of the building, and the little room was almost like a crow's nest on a ship, you could look out and see the whole playground and the neighborhood if you climbed up to look out the window. I was the only one in the class responsible enough to put the books back in the right place and so I'd go into the room and put away the books, then I'd climb up and look out the window for a minute or so.

I love Humanities. He just talks and I get to listen to this guy say things that I've known are true forever. We heard all about how Jesus was not born on Dec. 25th (and also that Y2K should've been a problem in 1994), and that the origins of Christmas were really to celebrate the Winter Solstice, and we all know who celebrates that, right? Go the Pagans! I keep wishing that Teilo were in the class with me. We were looking at maps of the Near East (Middle East) today.

He asked if anybody knew why god was a "he". Why did we call god a he? Here's the opinion of somebody in my class.

"Well, it's because it's in the Bible. It says that and stuff. You know, cause when Moses wrote it... er, wait, Moses didn't write it, who...?"

The real truth? It's a society thing, you write what you know. All the guys that every wrote the Bible put their own stuff in there, and their own assumptions, so god's a dude. And, if we believe Michaelangelo, he's an old man in a frock. It was the Catholics who re-wrote it in the 15th and 16th century that did the most damage. I mean, where else do we get things like "He who violently bloweth his nose bringeth forth blood"? You won't find that in King James anyplace, but old Thomas Aquinas quotes it as from the Bible. The actual verse is something completely unrelated to blowing your nose.

So anyway, that was quite enough fun for all of you. (For me at least.)

From the Shire, down the Anduin, to Mordor

The First Age The Third Age
The Red Book Diaryland