There and Back Again

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Long Time Gone - 22/02/2004

Only for Now - 04/02/2004

The Neverland - 19/01/2004

There's no times at all, just the New York Times - 15/01/2004

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03/11/2002 - 3:29 p.m.

But the old traditions were new once.

That's the best tech rehearsal I've seen. In spite of semi-setting the stage on fire and two other little personal disasters (long story, won't get into all that) and the illnesses, Roosevelt's got a show together. I never realised how good we do shows. I mean, I know that I liked them generally, but I didn't really realise we were damn good. I told Glawe that they're farther along than Threepenny because it's true. They know what they're doing, they just have to put finishing touches on- they're not still learning things.

I'm not going to believe anything they tell us now about how high school theatre sucks. That doesn't refer to MY high school.

Now I just wish I could go see the actual show. But I can't, and I'm glad that the rehearsal went so well. If/when they get the movie, somebody loan it to me sometime.

Glawe needs a very long vacation though. This is her fifth year of nonstop, hard core, professional high school theatre. And let's face it, she doesn't get a lot of thanks from it. She gets students and parents both whinging at her. Hmmm.

I didn't mind Alex watching him (I'm very surprised at myself here), but TD I did. He's still the overacting little freshman he was in Into the Woods, and I didn't like him in that before I even knew him. Peter has grown up immensely, he doesn't look like a really tall little boy anymore. Erin is a better actress than I ever thought she was. Ren will be just fine when she gets her voice back, which she will. Marnie reminds me uncannily of Dina, but in a good way. I wonder where Amber was, but at the same time I don't want to think about it too hard because the answer probably is what I would guess it to be. Brittney reminds me more of Shiloh the way I remember her, which Brittney probably wouldn't be thrilled to know, but I think it's a good thing. When Shiloh was being responsible and had her act in gear, she was really good, and that's what I see in Brittney.

It was nice to be back. Nice to have Ren bee lining and scaring the crap out of me. Except for all the random weird freshman hanging about, it was like nothing had changed, except that it has. It was definately high school, and that was pretty obvious. It's just like the move from middle school to high school... did that really happen that I put up with that for so long? (And it's only November.)

So, break a leg all of you in a week. Get sleep, stop worrying (because you all rock), and stay well!

From the Shire, down the Anduin, to Mordor

The First Age The Third Age
The Red Book Diaryland