There and Back Again

First Age
Third Age

Hobbits love to get notes.

Proper dwarves offer their services before they leave.
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The Grey Havens - 04/03/2004

Long Time Gone - 22/02/2004

Only for Now - 04/02/2004

The Neverland - 19/01/2004

There's no times at all, just the New York Times - 15/01/2004

Links and Rings
No Shame Pieces
Untitled Story
Other Writings

19/06/2002 - 9:45 p.m.

Back in the saddle again.

It's a little hard to believe I've only been gone for seventeen days. It seems like so much longer. Life here at Diaryland has gone on without me, my Junkmail folder has filled beyond the breaking point, and the newspapers have continued to give news. How weird.

However, camp's been fun, a couple of problems, but nothing major. Life goes on. I'm home tonight because I'm off for college orientation tomorrow and then after that is Thespian Festival.

Let's see, yesterday Paul McCartney turned 60. Celebrated all by myself.

That's about it. I've caught up on almost all of the diaries I read, and I haven't got anything short and quick to say.

I'll see you all later.

From the Shire, down the Anduin, to Mordor

The First Age The Third Age
The Red Book Diaryland