There and Back Again

First Age
Third Age

Hobbits love to get notes.

Proper dwarves offer their services before they leave.
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Whatever you do, I'm certain it will be lovely.

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The Grey Havens - 04/03/2004

Long Time Gone - 22/02/2004

Only for Now - 04/02/2004

The Neverland - 19/01/2004

There's no times at all, just the New York Times - 15/01/2004

Links and Rings
No Shame Pieces
Untitled Story
Other Writings

31/01/2003 - 12:04 p.m.

To be continued...

Why is the single most recognisable part of Piano Man the harmonica? It should be called Harmonica Man. It's not so catchy, but more accurate.

Tonight is No Shame. Tonight I make the switch from stories to monolouges. To say that I'm slightly worried about it is an understatement.

That's it for now, updates in about twelve hours.

I have to get up for work in five hours or so, but this needs to get put down tonight. No Shame: some controversial things got done, it's going to be discussed for a while. A bit about abortion, for which I laughed my ass off. I'm a girl, it could be my problem yes, I don't care, I thought it was funny. I can see how some people might've disliked it, see how some people can protest, but you know, theatre is essentially about scaring the shit out of society. If you're not doing that, well, what are you doing in theatre anyway?

From the Shire, down the Anduin, to Mordor

The First Age The Third Age
The Red Book Diaryland